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Department of Bacteriology

Head of Department - Skomorina Yulia Alexandrovna

Education: higher vocational

Graduated from: - 2008. Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology

Specialty and qualifications in diploma:


-2011 Moscow Institute of Linguistics

Specialty and qualifications in diploma:


Work experience: 10 years

About the department: the bacteriology department is a structural unit of the Moscow testing laboratory of the Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory. The department employs 5 people. All specialists of the department have special education and in a timely manner undergo refresher courses for effective and correct activity. Competence of specialists is annually confirmed during the passage of interlaboratory comparison tests, as well as internal comparative testing.

The department annually performs state assignment and monitoring plans to investigate bacterial diseases of animals, fish and bees, as well as fodder.

The activities of the department are aimed at identifying PBA (pathogenic biological agents) from clinical material from sick animals (smears from different cavities, wound surfaces, purulent lesions; blood, feces); pathological material from different types of animals, birds, fish and bees; feed of plant and animal origin; washes from surfaces and equipment.

The department of bacteriology includes the following areas: bacteriology, parasitology, mycology and histology.


The main activities of the department:

Bacteriological researches:

- diagnostics of bacterial diseases of animals, birds, fish and bees for: tuberculosis, campylobacteriosis, listeriosis, anthrax (RP), salmonellosis, colibacteriosis, staphylococcus, streptococcosis, myt, botulism, tetanus, emkar, paratuberculosis, pasteurellosis, lystroses, botulism, tetanus, emkar, paratuberculosis, pasteurellosis, lystroses, botulism, tetanus, emtar, paratuberculosis, pasteurellosis, lystroses, botulism, tetanus, emtar, paratuberculosis, pasteurellosis, lystroses, botulism, tetanus, emtar, paratuberculosis, pasteurellosis, lymphatic vibriosis, American and European foulbroods, etc .;

-determination of the sensitivity of the isolated cultures to antibacterial drugs;

-conducting microbiological studies of feed and feed additives for animals;

-conducting research on the quality of disinfection swabs from livestock, poultry, etc .;

-preparation of control samples for interlaboratory comparison tests and for the purpose of attestation of specialists of laboratories of the Russian Federation at various levels;

-conducting training courses and internships for specialists of veterinary laboratories of the Russian Federation on the methods of laboratory research and new methods of veterinary specialists.

Mycological studies include research:

 - biomaterials from farm animals, birds, bees, fish, non-productive animals (cats, dogs), exotic animals (reptiles, fish, etc.) for the presence of pathogens of deep mycoses, dermatophytosis, candidiasis, etc.

 - feed of plant and animal origin, feed additives, feed for unproductive animals for mold and yeast fungi.

Parasitological studies of animals, birds, bees, fish for: helminthiasis, protozoa, arachnoentomozy, as well as research on trichinosis.

Histological studies:

- identification of animal and vegetable components in various meat semi-finished products, raw meat and finished products.


For research, the department is equipped with all the necessary modern equipment - thermostats for different temperature regimes, microscopes, an automated miniVIDAS system for express determination of microorganisms, centrifuges, autoclaves, refrigerators and other special equipment. Studies are conducted using modern nutrient media, including chromogenic, as well as various test systems that make the identification of microorganisms simple, fast and reliable.

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