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Interlaboratory Comparison Tests ( ILCs)

Head of the interlaboratory comparison test provider, head of the external quality control department: Zhilenkova Ellona Vladimirovna

Date of birth: 29/07/1994

Education: 2017, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, qualification "Master" in the direction of training: "04.04.01 Chemistry"

Technical head of the provider of interlaboratory comparison tests, coordinator, deputy head of the external quality control department: Parfenova Tatiana Yur'evna

Date of birth: 08/12/1956

Education: 1979, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin ".

Information about the provider of interlaboratory comparison tests of FSBI CNMVL

Name: Provider of interlaboratory comparison tests of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Scientific and Methodical Veterinary Laboratory"

Address of PMSI: 111622 Moscow, rn Kosino-Ukhtomsky, st. Orangereynaya, d.23/2

Contacts: 8 (905) 708-93-65 (external quality control department), 8 (905) 189-66-61 (head of department)

Email address:, (director's office)

Interlaboratory comparison tests (МSI)

The programm of interlaboratory comparison tests ( MSI) according to GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009, is an integral element of modern quality control of measurements and research results in testing laboratories and plays an important role in assessing the competence of a laboratory both during its accreditation and in evaluating its daily activities. The participation of laboratories in such events is a MANDATORY stage of their professional activity.

The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory" invites all institutions conducting research in the field of food products and veterinary medicine in the Russian Federation to take part in interlaboratory comparison tests (MSI) in 2019.

To participate in the MSI and enter into a contract for the work on the MSI, please send an application to the FSBI CNMVL.

The stages and dates of the MSI for 2019 are presented in the table:


1) Reception of applications

2) Sample distribution

3) Getting results from participants

I quarter

 Till  10.02.2020



II quarter

          Till 10.04.2020          



III quarter

Till 12.07.2020



IV quarter

Till 09.10.2020



ATTENTION!!! Since 2018, the procedure for obtaining, transporting and disposing of samples for proficiency testing (OPK) has been changed

The transfer of OPK is carried out by self-delivery or delivery by a transport company, attracted by the Customer. Responsibility for the state, safety of the defense sector, as well as compliance with the recommended conditions during transportation after signing the act of transfer and acceptance is borne by the Customer.

The issuance of a military-industrial complex to an attorney of the Customer (representative of the organization (laboratory) or transport company) is made after the prepayment is paid (according to the terms of the contract), upon presentation of the original power of attorney for receipt drawn up in the prescribed manner and signed by the head of the customer organization . For OPK  containing or suspicious of PBA (OPK for microbiological and molecular methods, as well as during rounds to determine the content of mycotoxins), an original application for the transfer of PBA is required.

The issuance of samples for proficiency testing is carried out at the address: Moscow, st. Orangery, 23 on weekdays from 09.00 to 17.30.

Why do people choose us?

1) FSBI CNMVL has more than 10 years of experience in organizing and conducting MSI and, since 2013, has been a recognized provider of proficiency checks made to the PROVIDER REGISTRY, which allows us to provide services for organizing and conducting MSI of a guaranteed quality level. In 2019, FSBI CNMVL was accredited in the national accreditation system as an MSI provider, in accordance with Federal Law No. 412 of December 28, 2013, “On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System”. Accreditation Certificate No. RA.RU.430278. Date of entry of information in the register of accredited persons 01.02.2019.

2) The institution specializes in laboratory research and is accredited for technical competence and independence by the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation) as a testing laboratory (center) for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009

3) Most of the proposed rounds DO NOT HAVE ANALOGUES on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4)FSBI CNMVL GUARANTEES THE CONFIDENTIALITY of the results of the analysis of laboratories - participants of MSI.

5)FSBI CNMVL  IS CONSTANTLY IMPROVING AND IMPROVES ITS WORK, choosing the most promising areas of development, so in 2019 it is planned to receive accreditation as a provider of testing laboratory qualifications through interlaboratory comparison tests in the international accreditation system in the national accreditation body.


in its activities, the PMSI of FSBI CNMVL seeks to constantly improve the effectiveness of the quality management system and to receive both positive and negative information from its customers, after which it analyzes the incoming messages from customers to identify inconsistencies or deficiencies in the work of the PMSI for further improvement of the quality management system, proficiency testing and quality of service programs. The form of presentation of information from the customer - FREE, orally or in writing.

The  complainant is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. If you do not receive a clear and understandable explanation, or if there is no connection with those who applied on the registered coordinates (within three working days), the appeal remains without consideration. Anonymous applications are not subject to review.

Information and documents for participation in the MSI, organized by FSBI CNMVL:

Scope of accreditation of the MSI provider

Order of Rosakkreditation "On accreditation of the FSBI CNMVL"

MSI plan for 2019

Terms and conditions of participation in the MSI



The price list for paid services for interlaboratory comparison tests provided by FSBI CNMVL

Application for participation in the MSI (for e-filing)

Application for participation in the MSI (written for the filling)

Standard contract for the work of MSI

The procedure for samples obtaining and transporting 

Application for the transfer of samples for proficiency testing containing PBA

Notification of samples  receipt for proficiency testing

Certificate form of laboratory participation in interlaboratory comparison tests

MSI results for the IV quarter of 2019.

MSI results for the III quarter of 2019.

MSI results for the II quarter of 2019.

MSI results for the I quarter of 2019.

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