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Department of Food Microbiology and Veterinary-Sanitary Inspection


Head of Department: Oskina Irina Vladimirovna

Date of Birth: 10/09/1972 

Education: higher

1994 - Graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Applied Biotechnology. Qualification of veterinary-sanitary doctor of the specialty "Veterinary Medicine".


2012 - Graduated from the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Qualifications lawyer in the specialty "Jurisprudence".



Qualification by education: veterinarian

Specialists: the department has 5 highly qualified employees who carry out the main activities of the department.


The main activities of the department:

The department specializes in microbiological control of drinking water safety, food products of animal and vegetable origin, for the purposes of state supervision, certification and production control, as well as at the request of individuals and legal entities, the study of animal meat and fish for parasitic purity.

Employees of the department have been participating for a number of years in interlaboratory comparison tests for the following indicators: coliform bacterium , Sulfite-reducing clostridia, S. aureus, Salmonella, L. monocytogenes, B.cereus, Enterococcus, E.coli, Ps.aeruginosa successfully coping with the tasks.

 Department equipment:


- Apparatus for the isolation of the larvae of Trichinella OEP NPO "Agropribor" (AUG-LZ) "Gastros";

- -mini- VIDAS, produced by LLC "BioMerie",

-stereoscopic Olympus microscopes;

- a device for membrane filtration of water under vacuum and a device for creating a rarefaction of the atmosphere,

milk viscometer analyzer "SOMATOS-M"

- pH meter-ionometer S500-Kit,

- laboratory electronic scales, type Sartorius BP 2100S,

- installation for cleaning and disinfecting of air Sanio VW-VF10BG,

laboratory autoclaves MLS-3781L,

- laboratory centrifuge,

- thermostats universal binder,

- dry-air thermostats and thermostats with cooling Panasonic MIR-154-PE,

-Thermostat JULABO F 12-ED,

- laminar cabinets and biological safety cabinets of protection class 2,

- Homogenizer Masticator,

- measuring instrument of humidity, temperature and pressure of IVTM-7 M5-D,

For screening samples, an immunofluorescence mini-VIDAS analyzer is used, which allows detecting microorganisms in raw materials and finished products with high speed and reliability of results.

 Main tasks:

1. Conducting laboratory studies of food products, raw materials of animal and vegetable origin in terms of safety and quality:

- organoleptic,

- microscopy,

- microbiology (determination of the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms, detection of pathogenic bacteria of the genus Salmonella, bacteria Listeria monocytogenes; detection of bacteria of the group of intestinal sticks (coliform bacteria), staphylococci, Proteus, sulfite-reducing clobs, and the same, and when used to set the wands and the hemorrhagic strains of the intestinal bacteria (coliform bacteria)

 - determination of the presence of antibiotics, inhibiting substances, somatic cells in milk;

- studies of meat, fish, plant products on the content of helminths (Trichinella larvae, helminth eggs, protozoa cysts).

2. Conducting laboratory studies of drinking water of centralized and non-centralized drinking water supply systems in terms of:

- the total number of microorganisms,

- common coliform bacteria,

- thermotolerant coliform bacteria,

- spores of sulfite-reducing clostridia,

- coliphages

 3. Conducting laboratory studies in assessing the sanitary and hygienic state of catering and trade in the presence of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora.

 4. Testing devices, equipment, methods, diagnostic methods.

 5. Quality control of diagnostic kits.


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