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Kaluga Plant Quarantine Department

Head of Deparment:  Koroleva Svetlana Vladimirovna.
Education: Higher vocational.

Qualification: agronomist scientist


The main activities of the department:

- conducting laboratory studies of samples of regulated products in order to establish their quarantine phytosanitary condition.

The main expertise in the field of plant quarantine:

- entomological examination of samples of seed and planting material, food and technical products, stock products, cuts of flowers, forest products, sawn timber and wooden containers, as well as material selected during phytosanitary monitoring: pheromone traps, colored traps, bills, entomological sample documents (insects in various stages of development) for the identification of insects by morphological features by microscopic examination. The identification of insects sent from other units of the phytosanitary testing laboratory is confirmed.

- Herbological examination of samples of seed material, grain and products of its processing, soil, foodstuffs, as well as material selected during phytosanitary monitoring: estimates, sample documents (vegetative plants, ruderal seed samples) for identification of plants on different developmental stages, seeds and fruits.

- helminthological examination of samples of seed and planting material, food loads to identify and identify quarantine types of cyst-forming potato gall, stem nematodes, forest products, sawn timber and wooden containers made of coniferous species - to identify and identify pine stem nematodes in domestic and imported products.


The work of the department is based on meeting the requirements for testing laboratories established by Russian and international standards. When conducting all types of research and measurements in the laboratory, only methods are used in accordance with GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009, EPPO standards, which allows for high quality testing.

In order to ensure a high level of customer service and provide the most reliable information about samples, the quality management system is built on the basis of its continuous improvement, which includes expanding the scope of services provided, introducing new test methods, and continuing staff development in advanced laboratories and training centers in the country and abroad, participation in interlaboratory comparative trials, equipping with new modern equipment and laboratory modernization, and also constant intra laboratory control.

The laboratory has modern equipment that allows you to perform these services efficiently and in optimal time.

Employees of the department are qualified personnel who have a higher education in the specialty "Agronomist scientist" and have been trained in the All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center in Moscow and Pyatigorsk. They have the technical knowledge and experience necessary to carry out the work.

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